Posts tagged New Year’s Resolutions

Chuck those New Year’s Resolutions!


new year's resolutionsHello 2011!!  I’m glad you’re here.  I think it’s going to be a great year of new beginnings, new experiences, new relationships and new ways of doing things.

And to let in all the new stuff, we’re going to need to let go of some old stuff.  This means cleaning up the areas of your life that may not be working so well. 

You may need to clean up your physical space – clear out some clutter, get rid of clothes you don’t wear, get organized, clean out your garage, etc. 

You may have relationships that need to be cleaned up – clear up any misunderstandings or unresolved issues with others, let go of or reduce your interaction with people that are no longer a positive addition to your life, let those you care about know how you feel, etc.

You may have financial issues that need attention – get clear on your financial situation and take responsibility for it, stop avoiding the issues or blaming outside circumstances, let go of bad spending habits, etc.

You may have a lot of mental clutter that’s holding you back – get clear on what’s truly important to you and let the rest go, reduce your stress with exercise, sleep and fun activities, put your attention on what you want rather than what you don’t want, etc.

You may have decisions you’ve been avoiding making or actions you’ve been avoiding taking because they’re scary or uncomfortable – get through them as early in 2011 as possible and you will feel enormous relief and an increase in energy.

I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions because I don’t think they work.  How many have you made that you’ve actually stuck to and accomplished?  I bet not many.  That’s because they’re set up to fail.

Here’s how resolutions work:  You look at what you’re unhappy about in your life and you make a resolution to improve those things, right?  Let’s take a common example – weight loss.  Let’s say you’re not happy with your current weight or current level of fitness, so you resolve to exercise at least 4 days a week.

Most likely you’ll start off strong.  You’ll go to a gym or set up a regular workout schedule with a friend or at home.  And then you’ll gradually start losing momentum, or there will be a week when something unusual happens, like a trip or company visiting or a sick child.  And before you know it, your 4 days a week have dwindled to 1 or 2. 

And then the negative self-talk kicks in.  You’re even more unhappy with yourself now than before because now you feel like a failure.  You haven’t even been able to stick with your plan for more than a few weeks.  And with the self-criticism and self-blame, you’re likely to fall into even more unhealthy habits which will be counter-productive to losing weight.

Do you see how this is a vicious cycle?

So here’s what I do instead and I highly recommend it! 

Instead of focusing on what I’m unhappy with in my life, I first look at all the things I’m happy about.  I really take note of them and feel deep gratitude. 

Next I imagine what my ideal life would be.  And I don’t mean pie-in-the-sky stuff.  I mean a realistic picture of how I’d like my life to look.  For example, a close, loving relationship with my daughter, wonderful friends I spend time with regularly, work I’m excited about doing each day, a healthy, fit body  that allows me to pursue all the activities I enjoy, plenty of energy, a comfortable home where I feel safe and relaxed, and so on. 

You can get very detailed too.  For example, earning at least $80,000 per year, taking at least 3 vacations, growing a thriving vegetable garden your back yard, reading at least 12 new books, writing a book, getting a wonderful new business partner, etc.

Write down all that you want in 2011.  Be specific and clear.  Try to avoid negatives.  In other words, don’t say “no more back pain” (because this focuses the mind on “back pain”).  Instead, say “a healthy, strong back” or “a healthy body that allows me to be active and comfortable”. 

Write it in present tense, as if you already have it.  So instead of saying “I will make $80,000 this year” or “I will write a book”, say “I make $80,000 and I am the author of a best-selling book”.  This helps anchor the desires in the mind and makes them more real.

Let’s go back to the weight loss example.  Instead of saying “I will lose weight” or “I have lost weight”, say something in the positive, like “I am my ideal weight” or “my body is healthy and fit, and I feel confident and attractive”.  Do you see what a huge difference there is in those statements?

By focusing on that (a healthy fit body that feels good) instead of a resolution to workout 4 days a week, there’s a lot more room for success.  There’s not the same pressure or stress of trying to stick to a schedule, but the mind is thinking about being fit.  This affects the whole body.

Awareness, focus and intention are incredibly powerful. 

Think about this: when you get a new car, don’t you start noticing that exact car EVERYWHERE?  It’s as if you are attracting them, right?  Why is that?  It’s because it’s at the forefront of your mind.  You are aware of it (unlike before) and you are focused on it.  If you put your attention on what you want in life, you will start to notice it and attract it. 

If you are focused on feeling and being more fit, you will start to make different choices throughout the day that will help you move toward that fitness.  It’s a natural progression. 

I’m not saying you can just sit at home and think about what you want, and it will magically fall out of the sky and into your lap.  Action is necessary.  But you will be able to take the appropriate actions much more easily if you are focused on the end result that you desire, and grateful for where you are today.

So chuck those New Year’s Resolutions and decide what your 2011 is going to look like!  I’ve already decided – mine is going to be amazing!!  Care to join me?

I’m Done With Resolutions – What About You?


Take a careful look at 2009, then let it go...

For most people, resolutions don’t last very long. 

Why is that?  I think it’s because they’re usually based on something negative.  Either we’re trying to quit doing something that’s hard to quit (smoking, eating unhealthy foods, drinking, etc), or we’re trying to start doing something because we’re unhappy with our current weight, lifestyle, relationship, job, etc.  We tend to think that if we’re unhappy with something, especially ourselves, that we can just decide to do things differently (“better”) and then life will be great, right?  Wrong.  The focus is too much on what’s not working and how much better things will be once we achieve some goal that requires drastic change.  And with resolutions, we typically word them in the future tense, right? Like, I’m going to go to the gym at least three days a week, or I’m going to stop eating junk food, or I’m going to work fewer hours so I can spend more time with my kids, and so on.  It’s like we’re playing mind games with ourselves.  “I’m going to…” sends the message that at some point it is going to happen, so it kind of lets us off the hook for NOW.

So my only resolution is not to do any resolutions. I want a more holistic approach because I want all aspects of my life to be aligned and I want to know what my ultimate overall life goal is, instead of focusing on one particular smaller goal.  So I’m going to tell you what I do and I invite you to try it out.  Grab a pen and some paper.  First of all, take a look back at 2009.  If you’re recently separated or divorced, 2009 might look pretty crappy.  That’s okay.  There may have been a lot of challenges and heartache, so please don’t judge yourself. Look at the past year from a detached perspective, with curiosity and compassion.  Make sure to recognize and give yourself credit for any accomplishments.  Lastly, make a list of things you are grateful for in 2009.  If this is difficult for you, think simple.  Even pain can be something we give thanks for, since it usually makes us aware of problems in our lives or shows us what we truly want.  When you’re done with 2009, close your eyes, take some deep cleansing breaths, and let it go.  It’s over.  It’s all in the past.  Just relax and let it go.  Imagine it all just washing away and leaving behind a clean slate where new stories and memories can be created.

Now fast forward.  Pretend it’s December 31, 2010.  Write down the main areas of life that you care about.  For example, Family, Career, Relationships, Health, Spirituality, Finances, etc. Look back over the year (2010) and write down what you see in each of the areas you’ve chosen.  This is not just what you expect in 2010, but what you desire in 2010, what feels good to you.  You can get as detailed as you want here.  And this is very important – write it in the present tense, as if it has already happened.  Remember, it’s Dec 31, 2010 and you’re looking at your where you are “now”.  Also, make sure to include what you are thankful for in 2010.  When you’re done writing, read it out loud and see how it feels.  If it doesn’t make you smile and doesn’t get you a little excited, you might need to do a little rework.  When you’re satisfied, store this in a safe place where you can refer to it regularly or post it where you’ll see it often.  And when Decemeber 31st rolls around again, you can compare what you wrote to your reality – it will be fascinating.

So here’s to a wonderful new year, designed specifically by you, for you. Doesn’t that feel better than a resolution? And the results will be far better too!!

Choose to live happily ever after!

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